1、使用變頻器后,空氣壓縮機的壓力設定可以是一點,即可以將滿足生產設備要求的最低壓力作為設定壓力,變頻器將根據管網壓力上下波動的趨勢,通過調節空壓機轉速,消除了空壓機的卸載運行,節約了電能?! ?、由于系統中的變頻器使得管網上下壓力穩定,可以降低甚至消除壓力的波動,從而使系統中所有運行的空氣壓縮機都在一個滿足生產要求的較低的壓力下運行,減少了壓力向上波動造成的功率損失?! ?、由于空壓機不能排除在滿負載狀態下長時間運行的可能性,所以只能按更大需求來決定電動機的容量,故設計容量一般偏大。在實際運行中,輕載運行的時間所占的比例是非常高的,如果采用變頻調速,可大大提高運行時的工作效率。因此將變頻器作用在空壓機系統中節能潛力很大?! ?、有些調節方式在需求量較小的情況下,也不能降低電動機的運行功率。采用了變頻調速后,當需求量較小的情況下,可降低電動機的轉速,減小電動機的運行功率,從而進一步實現節能?! ?、空氣壓縮機采用了變頻調速后,則可以根據負載的輕重地進行連續調節,能保持壓力、流量、溫度等參數的穩定,從而提高工作性能。
1. After using the frequency converter, the pressure setting of the air compressor can be one point, that is to say, the minimum pressure meeting the requirements of the production equipment can be taken as the set pressure. According to the fluctuation trend of the pipe network pressure, the frequency converter can eliminate the unloading operation of the air compressor and save the electric energy by adjusting the speed of the air compressor. 2. Because the frequency converter in the system makes the up and down pressure of the pipe network stable, it can reduce or even eliminate the pressure fluctuation, so that all the air compressors in the system operate under a lower pressure that meets the production requirements, reducing the power loss caused by the pressure fluctuation. 3. Since the air compressor can not exclude the possibility of long-term operation under full load, the capacity of the motor can only be determined according to the larger demand, so the design capacity is generally larger. In actual operation, the proportion of light load operation time is very high. If frequency conversion is adopted, the working efficiency can be greatly improved. Therefore, it has great potential to save energy in the air compressor system. 4. Some regulation methods can not reduce the operating power of the motor when the demand is small. When the demand is small, the speed of the motor can be reduced and the running power of the motor can be reduced, so as to further realize energy saving. 5. After the air compressor adopts frequency control, it can be continuously adjusted according to the weight of the load to keep the stability of pressure, flow, temperature and other parameters, so as to improve the working performance。